Casa trans
Fundación Huesped
El Campito Refugio
Fundación Juanito
Fundación Germinare
Bosques de agua

We donate 1% of annual sales.


We want to be a company that creates a positive impact on people and the environment, and we will consider ourselves successful as this happens. We believe it’s essential to measure success differently, and one way to do that is by empowering and collaborating with the community.

Our Manifesto

1% Commitment

We are committed to donating at least 1% of the company's annual revenue, regardless of operational results. We believe in genuine collaboration, not just when it's convenient for us.

How we do it?

Through the Participatory Donations Program, this initiative aims to include everyone who is part of EGO's journey in selecting the non-profit organizations that will benefit from the donation plan during the period.

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Casa trans
Bosques de agua
El Paraíso de los Animales
Fundación Germinare
El Campito Refugio
Cascos Verdes
Fundación Juanito
Fundación Huesped
Fundación Huesped
El Campito Refugio
Fundación Germinare
El Paraíso de los Animales
Casa trans
Cascos Verdes
Fundación Juanito
Bosques de agua

A vehicle for wills

With the Participatory Donations Program, we build community.

We include everyone who is part of EGO’s journey in selecting the NGOs that will benefit from the plan. Team members, partners, subscribers, and clients will choose the recipient they want to make an impact on, reflecting their own vision of the world.

We want EGO to be the vehicle for these intentions, giving them the opportunity to come to life.

¿Cómo funciona?

A bit of history

Third edition

For the third edition of the Participatory Donation Program, $1,187,592 was allocated and equally distributed among the four NGOs selected by the entire EGO community.

El Campito Refugio
The main goal of the organization is to raise awareness in society. The ideas promoted through the daily actions of the shelter are those of unwavering respect for life and the belief that animal welfare can be achieved if society gets involved and feelings of compassion are translated into concrete actions.

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Fundación Huesped
Argentine organization with a regional reach that has been working since 1989 in public health areas to ensure that the right to health and disease control are guaranteed.

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Cascos Verdes
Nonprofit organization that has been working since 2007 to promote the inclusion of people with intellectual disabilities through environmental education.

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Bosques de agua
Nonprofit civil association that works daily to restore native forests in the province of Córdoba. 'We plant forests, we create rivers.' Their purpose is to once again cover the mountains with forests.

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Second edition

For the second edition of the Participatory Donation Program, $1,015,571 was allocated and equally distributed among the four NGOs selected by the entire EGO community.

El Campito Refugio
The main goal of the organization is to raise awareness in society. The ideas promoted through the daily actions of the shelter are those of unwavering respect for life and the belief that animal welfare can be achieved if society gets involved and feelings of compassion are translated into concrete actions.

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Nonprofit civil association that works daily on the rehabilitation of abused horses, rescuing them from situations of emergency, neglect, or abandonment. We aim to raise awareness in society to eradicate the issues of animal-drawn vehicles and horse slaughter. We invite you to get to know us.

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Social organization made up of LGTBIQNB+ individuals and people with disabilities (PwD). We work collaboratively to facilitate the employment of trans, non-binary, and disabled individuals in formal jobs within the systems sector. To achieve this, we offer free courses and training.

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Nonprofit civil association founded in 1990. We promote the right of children and adolescents to grow up in a family. We complement the work of the State by providing advice and training to the various stakeholders involved in the adoption process.

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First edition

For the first edition of the Participatory Donation Program, $333,230 was allocated and equally distributed among the four NGOs selected by the entire EGO community

El Paraíso de los Animales
There is a world where humans and non-humans can coexist with respect. That world is our world, our Paradise. More than 30 years ago, our founders committed to protecting the lives of beings who had experienced the worst of humanity. We work for them and because of them. Because we believe in the power of love.

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El Campito Refugio
The main goal of the organization is to raise awareness in society. The ideas promoted through the daily actions of the shelter are those of unwavering respect for life and the belief that animal welfare can be achieved if society gets involved and feelings of compassion are translated into concrete actions.

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Casa trans
In June 2017, the first trans house in the country was inaugurated. A space for support, sociability, and rights protection aimed at the trans community, providing assistance and services related to health, education, support spaces, counseling, and job inclusion.

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Fundación Germinare
Provide underprivileged children, who are willing to make the effort to improve themselves, and their parents or guardians, the opportunity to progress through education. This is done by giving them access to long-term academic training to enrich their personalities and positively transform their environment and future.

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Together with ReforestArg, we plant 1 tree per day.

Within EGO's annual donation plan, we remain committed to sustainability and the environment.

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